Today, we live in a world full of technological wonders. Colour televisions, supersonic jets, personal computers and mobile phones are common things. We enjoy a high level of living that our ancestors have never even dreamed of. However, although modern technologies have improved by leaps and bounds, most people nowadays do not care much about their health. Lacking of exercises and eating disorder have become their bad habits. It is certainly a hard nut to crack. Do you know the ways to keep our body healthy?
One of the ways to keep our body healthy is by doing regular exercises such as running, jogging, swimming and others. Regular exercise is the performance of some activity to develop or maintain physical fitness and overall health. It is an important component in the prevention of some of the diseases of affluence such as heart disease, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity. Excellent exercises can not only calm our mind as we have faced enough pressure and tension, but can also help to keep our body as fit as a fiddle. The exercise, however, must be vigorous. Vigorous exercise keeps our muscles strong and supple and allows our bones and other organs run in apple pie order. Playing sport games like basketball and badminton can also keep our body healthy besides entertaining ourselves. However, we have to be careful not to over-exercise until we collapse from fatigue.
Exercising alone is not enough. We must also eat balanced and nutritious meals to keep our body healthy. Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber and water are the 7 main classes of nutrients that our body needs. Besides that, we should reduce the intake of food that highly contains sugar as it can cause diabetes. Fatty food can make us fat and prone to all sorts of illnesses. We should also know that carbonated drinks and fast food can damage our health and cause many diseases such as heart attack and high blood pressure. I am sure that all of you do not want to be under weather.
Getting a good night’s sleep is another way to keep our body healthy. We must sleep at least 8 hours a day to relax and calm our mind. A sufficient rest and sleep is vital for fitness. All of us know how cranky we can get if we do not have enough sleep. Therefore, it is a good idea to go to bed early each night to have a good night’s sleep. Waking up fresh in the next morning is one thing we are delight in, aren’t we? Like they say, “early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”. Besides that, we must also avoid sleeping after having a heavy meal as it can make us fat.
Avoiding drugs, alcohol and smoking is also important to keep our body healthy. We have to be careful not to abuse our body. Smoking and taking drugs and alcohol are definitely out. Besides being addictive, such activities take a terrible toll on our body. Therefore, we should not take drugs just to keep active as a drug-addict’s body can be degenerated as the addiction worsens. If a drug-addict does not kick his habit, his fate is almost certainly to be a horrible death. Apart from that, we also should not smoke and drink alcohol to relieve stress or for a quick fix as smoking can cause perpetual cough that may lead to lung diseases or cancer while drinking alcohol can cause us clumsy.
In the nut shell, if we have sufficient exercises, eat and drink sensibly, have enough rest and sleep, and keep away from harmful things like drugs, alcohol and smoking, we should be able to keep ourselves fit and feel like a million bucks. Nobody likes to be weak and ill, for life is much more pleasurable when one is fit. As saying goes, “health is wealth”.